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Monthly Recap: September 2023

The fall time is here and we are getting close to HALLOWEEN. Are you getting all your decorations ready for HALLOWEEN? I just started my DIY projects and decorations for it.

september monthly recap

September flew by so fast that I can’t even remember when it started. Now that my regular job has picked up with extra tasks I’m finding myself drifting away from my freelance projects. I have less time to make new designs and to post consistently on social media. Even my YouTube channel has taken a toll. It would be easier if I was only working in the mornings and had the weekends off, but it’s one week in the morning and one in the afternoon and every other Saturday full day. When I get back home I’m too exhausted to work on my freelance projects.

So, changes needed to be made. I’ve decided only to post one or two videos per month on YouTube. My main focus for social media platforms is going to be FB and Instagram since Twitter and Pinterest are not getting me anywhere. And my blog here on this site.

I do have some general goals for October but I have no idea if I’ll be able to keep up. We are currently preparing decorations for HLLOWEEN at work and being the creative one, the task falls on me. Can’t wait…

👉I also enrolled in additional classes online, but some are in the hours I’m at work and are 3 to 4 hours long. They are all about IT and becoming more versatile in the digital world.

Anyway, here is a recap of my September goals and their progress:

  1. Keep up with YT channel; FAILED needs revising

  2. Keep up with the blog and BlogCast; on track

  3. Make new templates for Social Media posting; on track

  4. Make Halloween designs for the PayHip store and Zazzle store and promote them; FAILED

  5. Reorganize Tee Public store; FAILED

  6. Finish re-designing website and make new books; FAILED

As you can see, I’ve failed quite a few goals, so I’m rethinking my goal-setting in October. Since I’m busy at work I need to make fewer goals and make them count.

Here are my October GOALS:

  1. Make 2 YT videos for October

  2. Post weekly on FB page and Instagram

  3. Make a Yearly Planner for PayHip

  4. Learn more about social media management

  5. Finish my Google Certification process

  6. Stop doing WORK-related stuff at home.

I hope I can make it through October without any major throwbacks and actually achieve my goals in time. Wish me luck!


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